2020/08/19 August Monthly Meeting

The August monthly meeting (forum) of “TMU Neuroscience Research Center”

This month we changed the format to “forum” with the intention of encouraging open conversation among the attendees. You can either attend the in-person meeting on-site or via video conferencing using Google Meet.


Time: 2020/08/19 (Wednesday) 12:10-13:40


Forum host: Dr. Niall Duncan from Brain and Consciousness Team.

Topic: MRI

—————- The in-person meeting on-site —————————————–

Location: 15F Conference Room 2, Comprehensive Medical Building(Rear Building)

Please register before 8/17 (https://forms.gle/Rjj5yZ6UbHoUGyFa6) if you will attend the on-site meeting so that we can prepare for lunch. And kindly wear a mouth mask when you attend the meeting.

——————– Video conferencing —————————————————–

Location: Google Meet

Please install Nod: https://reurl.cc/R1d4Ye

Please install the “Nod” in advance, if you choose to attend a meeting via Google Meet. To avoid everybody talks at the same time, please raise your hand by “Nod” in the Google Meet before you speak.

*Attention: The meeting will be videotaped as proof of attendance.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you.

Meeting minutes: NRC Meeting minutes-0819