Taipei Medical University Higher Education Sprout Project Call for proposals for 2022 Innovative Translational Medicine Research Project

source: Office of Research and Development

Response to the deadline for the application of the Ministry of Science and Technology projects is on 3rd Jan. 2022, extend the application deadline for the 2022 Higher Education Sprout Translation Innovation Project to 10th Jan. 2022(Mon.), please pay attention to the deadline, thank you!!!!!!!

I. Project Description:

Taipei Medical University calls for proposals for innovative translational medicine research project with the following aims:
  • To encourage cross-domain original translational medicine research in the university in order to integrate various fields such as clinical medicine, basic science, epidemiology, big data, and artificial intelligence.
  • To utilize university research facilities to develop a competitive and specialized research team within the university and to enhance academic and clinical research capacity.


II. Project Focus

The project team is to research unsatisfied medical problems to be solved or unresolved or precision health research, and focus on innovative translation research and the applicability of research and development results
Focus on cancer translation, neuroscience, thoracic medicine, artificial intelligence in medicine and other innovative research areas (including cell therapy and regenerative medicine, biomedical devices, cardiology, urinary kidneys, and other areas).

Research Project Type and Requirements:

  1. Integrated project:
    1. New project
a.The project is an integrated project. Its proposal can contain no more than five subprojects. Each integrated project is approved only when at least 3 subprojects for this integrated project are approved.
b.To enhance young researchers’ academic capabilities, for each integrated project, at least one researcher who is 45 years old or younger (with the deadline of project application as a criterion) must serve as the principal investigator of a subproject.
c.In addition to project content, the proposal must (1) Emphasize the value of translational medicine and precise health, (2) Establish a competitive cohort, (3) Cultivate young researchers (including physicians), (4) Substantial international cooperation/joint publication, (5) Innovative translation or spin-off derives, and (6) Use TMU core facilities, platforms and clinical data (data banks)
    1. Continuation project
The PI who execute 2021 project, submit a second-year continuous project during the annual assessment. After reviewing and approval, the PI will get second-year funding.
    • Rules
      1. Qualifications of applicants: Full-time teacher or full-time assistant researcher (or above) at the university.
      2. The integrated research project should demonstrate originality, significance, integration, collaboration, and complementarity between subprojects. The principal investigator must be responsible for planning a team research project, coordination, and the research progress and results. In addition, the principal investigator must simultaneously be responsible for a subproject.
      3. A crucial goal of the project is to form an international research team with foreign researchers and jointly publish papers with such researchers.
      4. Subsidies for the project: A review is conducted every year to determine whether subsidies for the following year are approved.
      5. Funding items:
        • Cancer Translation field is limited to business expenses (experimental consumables, temporary wages, etc.).
        • Personnel fees (full-time, concurrent research assistants) and business expenses (experimental consumables, temporary wages, etc.) can be included in neuroscience, thoracic medicine, artificial intelligence in medicine, and other fields.
  1. Individual Project (Artificial intelligence in medicine and others)
    1. Artificial intelligence in medicine
a.New project
b.Continuation project
      1. Qualifications of applicants: Full-time teacher or full-time assistant researcher (or above) at the university.
      2. Funding items: Personnel fees (full-time, concurrent research assistants) and business expenses (experimental consumables, temporary wages, etc.) can be included.
    1. Other fields: Hosts who cannot be proposed in an integrated project may propose an individual project, but the TMU approve integrated projects for priority.
a.New project
b.Continuation project
      1. Qualifications of applicants: Full-time teacher or full-time assistant researcher (or above) at the university.
      2. Funding items: Personnel fees (full-time, concurrent research assistants) and business expenses (experimental consumables, temporary wages, etc.) can be included.


IV. Application Method and Application Deadline:

  1. Proposal: The deadline for submitting a proposal is  10th Jan. 2022. The proposal must be in the specified format.
After the proposal is approved, the PIs will be informed to present an oral report. The PIs must submit an electronic file of the oral report by the specified date. Each sub-PI needs to independently report the complete sub-project content.
  1. A proposal and project plan can be written in Chinese or English and must be submitted to the project organizer by the specified deadline.


V. Project Report and Performance Evaluation

  1. Mid-term report: A mid-term report meeting is held in July-August every year.
  2. Annual evaluation report: Written reports are reviewed and a briefing meeting is held at the end of the year. In a report, the following content should be included: (1) project progress for the current year, preliminary research results, and concrete performance (including qualitative and quantitative results); and (2) the project implementation focuses for the following year and expected results and performance. The report must be edited in PDF and 1 copy of the PDF file must be printed and submitted to the project organizer.
  3. Submission of an overall results report: An overall results report must be submitted after the implementation period according to the regulations and an application for government subsidies is encouraged.


VI. The project organizer

Ms. Shu-Ming Huang at the Office of Research and Development. Tel: 02-27361661 ext. 7113. Email:


VII. Project Schedule(for reference)

Call for projects2021/12/8~2022/1/10Submitting a proposal and presenting a briefing report
Reviewing an oral report2022/1~2022/21. The principal investigator presents an oral report.
2. The review committee recommends a project after conducting a review.
Project approval2022/2Proposing a complete project plan according to the opinions of the members of the review committee.
Project implementation2022/2During the project implementation period, related matters are handled according to regulations for the called-for project for the Higher Education Sprout Project.

One person can only apply for one project (integrated project and individual project combined recognition). The co-PI is not limited.