2024/03/20 The March monthly meeting

Latest update: The agenda has changed due to a temporary meeting conflict with Prof. Jian-Ying Chuang. Therefore, we will move the second talk to the next monthly meeting on April 17. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and thank you for understanding. However, please note that the first conversation will go as planned. We hope everyone can still join us. 

The March monthly meeting of “TMU Research Center for Neuroscience”

Time: 2024/3/20 (Wednesday) 11:00-12:30


  • Xinyi campus: Conference Room 2, 15F, Comprehensive Medical Building(Rear Building)
  • Shuangho campus: Biodesign, 5F, Biomedical Technology Building

*The speaker will be at the Xinyi campus.

Host team:

  • Child Development Team (婦幼神經心智團隊) led by Dean Yi-Hua Chen (陳怡樺院長)
  • Traumatic Brain Injury Team (腦創傷團隊) led by Director Yung-Hsiao Chiang (蔣永孝主任)


  1. “Predictive Brain Signal, Language and Shared Book Reading in Early Childhood “ presented by Prof. Shinmin Wang (王馨敏教授)
  2. Zinc Finger Protein 179 Localizes on Neurite Growth Cones and Promotes Nerve Regeneration Following Traumatic Brain Injury presented by Vice Dean Jian-Ying Chuang (莊健盈副院長)

Registration: https://forms.gle/CSBwEQaWzFcorGFJ9

​* This meeting will provide lunch, please be sure to sign up and fill in the participating meeting venue to facilitate meal preparation, thank you. 

** This course counts toward the education training hours required of faculty and staff.