2023/06/20 神經醫學研究中心6月月會

The June monthly meeting of “TMU Research Center for Neuroscience (經醫學研究中心)”

時間: 2024/6/20 (Thursday) 10:00-11:00


  • 信義校區醫學綜合大樓後棟15樓第二會議室 (實體) 
  • 雙和校區生醫大樓5 樓Biodesign 中心 (視訊同步)

主題: There’s More to Object Detection than Meets the Eye: Evidence for a Dynamical Interactive Theory of Conscious Object Detection 

講者: Dr. Mary Peterson, Professor, Cognition Science Program, University of Arizona/ American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow


* 本會議可獲得1小時教育時數。