2023/04/17 神經醫學研究中心4月月會

The April monthly meeting of “TMU Research Center for Neuroscience (神經醫學研究中心)”

時間: 2024/4/17 (三) 11:30-13:00


  • 信義校區醫學綜合大樓後棟15樓第二會議室
  • 雙和校區教研大樓8樓1801教室


Host team:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury Team (腦創傷團隊) led by Director Yung-Hsiao Chiang (蔣永孝主任)
  • Neural Rehabilitation Team (神經復健團隊) led by Prof. Chien-Hung Lai (賴建宏教授)


  1. Zinc Finger Protein 179 Localizes on Neurite Growth Cones and Promotes Nerve Regeneration Following Traumatic Brain Injury  presented by Vice Dean Jian-Ying Chuang (莊健盈副院長)
  2. Development of an exoskeletal rehabilitation robot: the mirror hand “ presented by Prof. Yu-Cheng Pei (裴育晟教授)

報名網站: https://forms.gle/kXXgSwWmySfyqwKw8

​* 本會議敬備午餐,請務必上網報名並填寫參與會議地點,以利餐點準備,謝謝。

** 本會議可獲得1.5小時教育時數。