The February monthly meeting of “TMU Neuroscience Research Center(神經醫學研究中心)”
Time: 2022/02/23 (Wednesday) 12:10-13:40
Host team: Child Development (婦幼神經心智) Team led by Dean Yi-Hua Chen (陳怡樺院長).
- “Effect of air pollution and home characteristics on child neurodevelopment: the evidences from a cohort study in Greater Taipei area“ presented by Dr. Ming-Lun Zou 鄒明倫 (趙馨教授研究團隊之博士後研究員)
- “The Effectiveness of Structured Music Group Intervention on the Emotional Development of Toddlers with Developmentally Delayed: An EEG study” presented by Yi-Ying Lin 林宜穎(羅伃君副教授研究團隊之博士生)
- “Effects of soil lead exposure and land use characteristics on neurodevelopment among children under 3 years of age in northern Taiwan” presented by Chi Sian Kao高祈嫻(簡伶朱教授研究團隊之博士候選人)
—————–Video conferencing—————————————————-
Software: Google Meet
Attention: The meeting will be videotaped as proof of attendance.
**If you are a TMU faculty or staff member and wish to register for the course, please register using this website: Learning and development system for faculty and staff.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.
Thank you.