2021/6/23 神經醫學研究中心6月月會

The June monthly meeting  of “TMU Neuroscience Research Center”

Time: 2021/6/23 (Wednesday) 12:10-13:40


Host team: Vascular Dementia  (血管性失智) led by Vice Superintendent Chaur-Jong Hu (胡朝榮副院長).

1)     Diabetes and Stroke-the Link, Risk Factors, and Prognosis presented by Dr. Yi-Chen Hsieh (謝宜蓁老師)

2)      RBM3in Hypothermia Mediated Neuroprotection Following Ischemic Stroke presented by Dr. Chih-Hao Yang (楊志豪老師)

—————–Video conferencing—————————————————-

Software: Google Meet

Attention: The meeting will be videotaped as proof of attendance.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you.  
