2020/12/23 神經醫學研究中心12月月會

The December monthly meeting (forum) of “TMU Neuroscience Research Center”(神經醫學研究中心)

Time: 2020/12/23 (Wednesday) 12:10-13:40


Forum host: Dr. Li Fong Lin 林立峯副教授 from Traumatic Brain Injury Team(腦創傷團隊)

Topic: Balance function in neurological patients   

————— The in-person meeting on-site —————————————-

Location: 2nd Conference room, 15th Floor, United Medical Building (Back Building), Taipei Medical University (250, Wu-Xing St). (綜合大樓後棟15樓第二會議室)

Please register before 12/21: https://forms.gle/Rjj5yZ6UbHoUGyFa6

—————-Video conferencing—————————————————-

Software: Google Meet

 Attention: The meeting will be videotaped as proof of attendance.


If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us.

Thank you.  

