[研討會資訊] 2023 神經科學研討會-神經藥物發展、與學生有約 (12/12 09:00~12:00、12/13 10:00~12:00)

我們將於12月12日舉辦2023 神經科學研討會-神經藥物發展,本次非常榮幸地邀請到赫爾辛基大學藥學院的Mikko Airavaara教授和Tomi Rantamäki教授一同參與。研討會議程詳見附件。隔日(12/13),我們也安排了兩位教授與


2023 Neuroscience Symposium- Neurodrug Development  

Time & Date: 9:00-12:00, December 12, 2023

Venue: Classroom 9702, 7F, Biomedical and Technology Building, Shuangho Campus, Taipei Medical University

09:00~09:10Opening RemarkShiow-Lin Pan (潘秀玲), PhD
Dean, College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei Medical University (TMU)
Yung-Hsiao Chiang (蔣永孝), MD, PhD
Director, Neuroscience Research Center, TMU Superintendent, Taipei Neuroscience Institute
09:10~09:20Group photo
09:20~09:35Introduction to the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of HelsinkiMikko Airavaara, PhD
Vice Dean for research and innovation affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki (UH)
Professor, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, UH
09:35~09:50Introduction to the College of Medical Science and Technology, Taipei Medical UniversityWei-Chun HuangFu (皇甫維君), PhD
Vice Dean, College of Medical Science and Technology, TMU
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery, TMU
09:50~10:10Tea Break
10:10~10:30Development of biomarkers and new outcome measures for stroke: linking preclinical and clinical studiesMikko Airavaara, PhD
Vice Dean for research and innovation affairs, Faculty of Pharmacy, UH
Professor, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, UH
Szu-Yi Chou (周思怡), PhD
Professor, Ph.D. Program in Medical Neuroscience, TMU
10:30~10:50Intelligent drug design platform for the discovery and optimization of novel kinase inhibitorsWei-Chun HuangFu (皇甫維君), PhD
Vice Dean, College of Medical Science and Technology, TMU
Associate Professor, Graduate Institute of Cancer Biology and Drug Discovery, TMU
10:50~11:10Antidepressant mechanisms of ketamine (and other clinically used anaesthetics)Tomi Rantamäki, PhD
Professor, Division of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapy, Faculty of Pharmacy, UH
Jia-Yi Wang (王家儀), PhD
Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Neuroscience Research Center, TMU
11:10~11:30Sp1 function in spinal motor axon guidanceTzu-Jen Kao (高祖仁), PhD
Professor, International Master Program in Medical Neuroscience, TMU
11:50~12:00Closing Remark