2020/01/15 January Monthly Meeting

Time: 2020/01/15 (Wednesday) 12:10-13:40

Location: 2nd Conference room, 15th Floor, United Medical Building (Back Building), Taipei Medical University (250, Wu-Xing St). (綜合大樓後棟15樓會議室)



Host team: Traumatic Brain Injury (腦創傷團隊) led by Director Yung-Hsiao Chiang.

Progress report:

  1. The Role of CCL5 in Antioxidant Activation and Hippocampal Memory Function after Mild TBI” presented by Dr. Szu-Yi Chou
  2. Characterization of the Functional Role of Promyelocytic Leukemia Zinc Finger Protein (Plzf) in Brain Development” presented by Dr. Hsin-Chuan Lin

Attached file: meeting minute-0115